Thanks for your interest! We're hard at work putting the tutorials together and fixing a few bugs in the update. We're aiming for the update to roll out mid September after a couple of unexpected delays.
The update will be applied to the existing asset on the asset store so if you already own Aerodynamic Objects you will receive the update at no extra cost. Please note that due to the scale of the update we can't guarantee backwards compatitbility so previous projects may require a few minor changes to work with the update.
Apologies, we've been battling with scope creep on this and the update has become quite large. It means a lot of new features are coming to the core package but it's taking longer than we had hoped. We've set a hard deadline of the new year with the main things left to do being documentation and tutorials.
Hi Skaughtx0r,
Thanks for your interest! We're hard at work putting the tutorials together and fixing a few bugs in the update. We're aiming for the update to roll out mid September after a couple of unexpected delays.
The update will be applied to the existing asset on the asset store so if you already own Aerodynamic Objects you will receive the update at no extra cost. Please note that due to the scale of the update we can't guarantee backwards compatitbility so previous projects may require a few minor changes to work with the update.
Best wishes,